Net Zero Buildings
Net Zero buildings, buildings that produce as much renewable energy as they consume, are better for our public health, for our environment, and for our communities. Net Zero design is predicated on three central pillars: energy efficiency, electrification and renewable energy. Net Zero housing is an affordable option: Net Zero construction is not significantly more expensive than standard construction, and affordable housing is being built to net zero standards in Massachusetts right now!
At MCAN, we are grateful for the inclusion of a Net Zero stretch code provision in the Net Generation Climate bill, and are excited to work with communities across the Commonwealth to encourage Net Zero housing in their own communities!
Municipal Light Plants
We believe that Municipal Light Plants are part of the climate solution! Because MLPs are owned and operated by their municipalities, they have unique opportunities to lead the energy field in offering sustainable, affordable energy! We regularly work with advocates in MLP districts and members of light boards to support MLPs in their energy transition.
Affordable Housing is a Climate Solution
Safe, clean, and affordable housing is necessary to create a liveable future for us all. From indoor and outdoor air quality issues to access to affordable renewable energy, affordable housing is closely intertwined with our clean energy future.
At MCAN, our housing work is based on a foundation of equity and affordability. We work to ensure that Net Zero building codes protect and encourage the development of affordable housing, to create programs that incentivize the retrofitting of affordable housing to make it more energy efficient, and collaborate with local partners to create training programs so that Massachusetts residents can learn the skills necessary to make our housing stock more efficient.
Clean the Peak
The Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company (MMWEC) has proposed building a new 60 MW gas and oil powered plant in Peabody, Massachusetts. This project will be a health and safety risk to Peabody residents, especially as it would be built within a half-mile of two Environmental Justice communities and a school. The project was also not highly publicized, leaving many Peabody residents finding out at the very last minute.
We need to be building more clean energy infrastructure in Massachusetts, not more polluting, fossil-fueled power plants. We are trying to reopen the permitting process around the plant and make the case for clean energy, which would be safer, healthier, better for the planet, and more reliable than outdated gas and oil infrastructure! Let’s clean the peak, for our climate and for our communities!