The most influential voices for lawmakers are yours. By speaking out for what you believe in, you’re helping Massachusetts state legislators to understand that people care about climate and clean energy.
We will provide talking points and bill information, occasional phone trainings, and help you identify opportunities to build your relationship by connecting to your legislators in between urgent asks. We will also send a few emails when bills are moving fast and need input.
By joining our legislative action team, we’ll help you make sure your voice heard. Through you and other on the team sending letters and making calls to your local state representative or senator, you can help move Massachusetts towards a cleaner more climate-friendly future. Don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe in, you’re shaping history!
Don't be afraid stand up for what you believe in, you are shaping the future! If you want to find out more about our 2019-2020 legislative agenda.
Sign up now and we will be in touch.