Political insight- The Climate Minute Podcast

Dave Roberts gives us an interesting discussion of realities underlying some of our political myths and how they apply to climate politics. The is no such thing as a moderate voter, the left and right are not mirror images, and the ‘partisans’ are just guilty of having a coherent viewpoint. We discuss!

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Obama in the Arctic- The Climate Minute Podcast

The President went to Alaska to highlight the issue of climate change.  The region is warming faster than lower latitudes, and is a hint of where we are all going. In addition to being a tragedy in its own right, the warming of the Arctic opens new and dangerous space for international competition. Finally, was Obama hypocritical or pragmatic in his disconcerting support for Arctic drilling while warning of the apocalypse? We discuss.

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No more gas pipelines in Massachusetts! - The Climate Minute Podcast

Across the country, the fossil fuel industry is trying to build dangerous and unnecessary pipelines. Massachusetts is no exception- there are TWO pipelines proposed for the state.  These provide a good case study of industry methods and how to oppose them, even if you do not live  in  the Massachusetts. The proponents of the new pipelines claim to be working to provide sufficient gas for the local economy to grow.  But, like Dorothy in Oz, if you peek behind the curtain it becomes clear the industry wants to export the gas away from Massachusetts! That is just one worry- here are six more reasons to oppose these pipelines.

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Perspectives on Katrina - The Climate Minute Podcast

Hurricane Katrina devastated the city of New Orleans ten years ago this week. What perspective should Climate Hawks take on this pivotal event? What have we learned?  Katrina represents a microcosm of human and societal impact that global warming may have, and presents us with a guide about how to do things right in the future.


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From New Orleans to the Arctic - The Climate Minute Podcast

The President will visit both the Arctic and New Orleans in the next few weeks. Both those locations have intense climate related associations, from melting glaciers to failed levees. At the same time, the administration has approved more un-needed drilling off Alaska. What is going on? Perhaps Mr. Obama should listen to the call of Islamic leaders to “Act on Climate!”

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Presidential Climate Hawks - The Climate Minute Podcast

The President announced plans for a historic visit to the Arctic, to highlight the issue of climate change. Will he visit the Chukchi Sea oil rig? Mr Obama, along with most of the Federal Government has been sued by youngsters under the Public Trust Doctrine .

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Piping Up: Climate Notes

Over the last few months, we've discussed the courageous activists pushing back against efforts by fossil-fuel titans Kinder Morgan and Spectra Energy to impose unwanted pipelines upon Massachusetts residents via eminent domain.

Of course, the Bay State isn't alone in waging this fight against polluters who have exploited eminent domain in an attempt to double their dollars: activists in Illinois are waging a remarkably similar battle--with recent legal success--against the Dakota Access pipeline, a dirty-energy project backed by, among others, a Koch Brothers front group

Tabitha Tripp and other positive forces in the Prairie State are to be commended for their efforts. The fight against entrenched fossil-fuel power is perhaps the most arduous of political and legal battles; the enemies of climate progress count on being able to exhaust the opposition emotionally and spiritually. Yet the enemies of climate progress consistently underestimate the tenacity and resolve of climate hawks.

What the polluters don't know about us is that we have a moral obligation not to give up. We're in this fight to protect future generations--and the nobility and morality of this fight gives us strength even when our minds and bodies are exhausted.

The energy generated by fighting for this moral cause is a renewable resource. Those of us fighting dirty energy in Massachusetts, Illinois and across this great land are brothers and sisters in the same struggle--and when it comes to protecting Mother Earth, we put family first.

…D.R. Tucker

Shedding some light on the Governor's Solar Bill - The Climate Minute Podcast

Massachusetts’ Governor Baker released a plan to raise the solar ‘net metering’ limits. It’s a start, at least, but the details of the proposal show some real risks for the continued growth of the solar market. Climate Hawks should take some credit for demanding action, but now is the time to redouble our efforts to improve the bill. We discuss.

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Reaction (and Over-reaction) to the Clean Power Plan- The Climate Minute Podcast

The opinions and reaction to the President’s Clean Energy Plan have come quickly and loudly, from both the left and right of the political spectrum.  It is important to know what all the talking heads are saying, but as Mother Nature points out (here channeled by Julia Roberts), the planet doesn’t need us-we need the planet.  The laws of physics will be obeyed no matter what James Hansen or Mitch McConnell say. Listen in!


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The Clean Energy Plan - The Climate Minute Podcast

After years in the making, the Obama Administration released the final version of America’s Clean Power Plan. It’s a pretty significant achievement, the first serious effort to control carbon emissions in the US. We discuss the context in which the plan was created, and review some top-level aspects of the plan itself.

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