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Join MCAN for a clean energy tour of Sterling, MA's groundbreaking energy storage
What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about clean energy? It's probably not energy storage. However, energy storage is actually very important in transitioning your local utility to 100% renewable sources. It helps by eliminating or reducing the need for gas peaker plants, and capturing solar energy that would otherwise go unused. On top of that, it helps with resiliency in the case of power outages!
It's been a year since Sterling installed it's 2 MW, 3.9 MWh storage project, and it was so successful they are currently constructing a community solar array with storage. See our municipal light plant fact sheet here for more on the story of Sterling.
If you want to learn about green solutions that could work for your town's public utility, then come to Sterling and see for yourself what energy storage is really like! We will be touring with the manager of Sterling's Municipal Light Department, Sean Hamilton. Sean has led numerous tours with 21 municipal light plants visiting, representatives from 9 countries, and a U.S. congressional fact finding tour on storage. Sterling was ranked as number one for 2017 in energy storage watts-per-customer by the Smart Electric Power Alliance.