American farmers are late-almost too late- to plant corn because of massive flooding in the Midwest. (Spoiler alert: It’s climate change!) What is to be done? The back and forth between personal climate guilt (because you don’t recycle) and corporate guilt (that they don’t feel) is laid out in stark detail by Mary Annaise Heglar . A better way to think about this is to ‘broaden’ your definition of personal action. Seek those personal action that self-amplify, having a ripple effect on other people. Simply talking about climate change is personal action that influences other people. But how? Listen in as we consider that as well.
Reading list:
- READ THIS!! Heglar on climate guilt and personal action
- Scientists show a 2018 heatwave was caused by climate change.
- US Farmers cannot plant due to floods likely caused by climate change
- Heatwave in India
- Mann says we must have system change
- Marching works!!
- Climate Adam on how to discuss climate change
Because we recognize the necessity of personal accountability for our actions, because we accept responsibility for a building a durable future and because we believe it is our patriotic duty as citizens to speak out, we must insist the United States transform it’s energy sector, over the next decade, under a just and equitable plan, that uses regulations, investments and a price on carbon to safeguard our collective future.
Thanks for listening.
…Ted McIntyre