The citizens of Chelsea must live with the pollution from industries that service all of us. The negative impact on those citizens, while most of the rest of us get only the benefits, represents an injustice. This injustice will be perpetuated in the Gas System Enhancement Program (GSEP) if we don’t take active measures to avoid it. Listen to an expert in environmental justice lay out the facts.
The reading list:
- GreenRootChelsea homepage
- GreenRoots blog on EJ and Chelsea
- The home page of
- The webinar video
- The "GSEP at the 6 Year Mark" report
- The Climate Minute with Dr Seavy on the GSEP from the GasLeaksAllies webinar
- The Climate Minute with Sen Barrett on how to pivot away from the GSEP
Because we recognize the necessity of personal accountability for our actions, because we accept responsibility for a building a durable future and because we believe it is our patriotic duty as citizens to speak out, we must insist the United States transform it’s energy sector, over the next decade, under a just and equitable plan, that uses regulations, investments and a price on carbon to safeguard our collective future.
Thanks for listening.
…Ted McIntyre