Dave Roberts gives us an interesting discussion of realities underlying some of our political myths and how they apply to climate politics. The is no such thing as a moderate voter, the left and right are not mirror images, and the ‘partisans’ are just guilty of having a coherent viewpoint. We discuss!
The reading list:
- $44 Trillion dollars!
- Roberts on Tech Nerds and Politics
- Roberts on the political economy of clean energy
- Krugman riffs on Robert's ideas
As readers might guess, I face some personal frustration here. When it comes to economics, I try to base what I say on evidence and on models that have stood the test of confrontation with evidence; but I often encounter people who assume that I’m just a left-wing version of Stephen Moore. Why do they believe that? Have they actually looked at my analysis and track record? No, they just know that I’m much more critical of the right than of the left, and they assume that this means ipso facto that I’m biased. But what if in modern America the right is much more wrong than the left? Not a possibility they’re willing to contemplate.
Because we recognize the necessity of personal accountability for our actions, because we accept responsibility for building a durable future and because we believe it is our patriotic duty as citizens to speak out, we must insist that the United States put a price on carbon.
Thanks for listening.
…Ted McIntyre