MCAN, Sierra Club, MAPC and NEEP are committed to improving our building code in two ways: first, by passing a net zero stretch code, and second, by improving our base code.
In 2019, we have the chance to significantly improve our base code, and ensure that every new building that gets built is more comfortable, more cost-effective, and safer to live and work in.
Why is a change in building codes important?
Buildings are responsible for over half of all energy consumption in Massachusetts and are responsible for 46% of carbon pollution.
The good news? In 2019, we have a huge opportunity! Eligible officials across the U.S. will vote on the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), the code for new buildings built in the U.S. and beyond.
By passing a better building code, we can make buildings more efficient for everyone.
Every three years, the code is revised, and in 2019 we have the opportunity to take a significant leap forward. With your help, the next code would maximize building efficiency and safety, and minimize climate pollution, ensuring that every new building we build is better for the planet and our wallets. More comfortable buildings are more equitable for residents everywhere, regardless of income.
Why Massachusetts?
Although the efficiency code determines building regulations across the world, in the last code cycle, less than a quarter of eligible officials in Massachusetts registered to vote and less than 100 actually voted. The good news is that means you can make a HUGE difference, just by helping us get more officials registered in MA. We know that if enough towns in Massachusetts have their officials vote the right way, we can win this!
If we can register enough pro-efficiency municipal officials by March 29, 2019, we can make buildings better, safer, and more cost-effective for everyone.
This isn’t just a climate issue, it’s a safety issue. A study after Superstorm Sandy showed that more efficient buildings allowed residents to stay in their homes for more days during extreme weather conditions - literally saving lives.
What can I do?
Join us to make a difference:
Step 1: Identify some of the people in your town that are eligible to register to vote on the code, people like members of city councils or boards of selectmen, members of planning departments, city and town managers, sustainability directors, and energy managers.
Step 2: Think about who is eligible that is also a climate champion, and will fight to make buildings more efficient and more equitable for everyone.
Step 3: Reach out to your municipal officials! Email [email protected] to access MCAN’s resources for municipal official outreach.
Step 4: Stay involved! We have until March 29, 2019 to register the right officials, and make sure that the new code is a step forward rather than a step back.
For a few hours of your time, you can change the way buildings are built around the world for the better. We look forward to working with you!
Download this page as a PDF here.
Join us by RSVPing for our 1/16 webinar for more information on how you can help improve building codes here.