The top five fossil fuel companies are the “tip of the spear” in leading the denial movement. Many of these companies—ExxonMobil, BP, Chevron—knew that burning fossil fuels causes climate damage; and yet they continued to burn them to protect their profits. To willingly continue to do something that you suspect will harm people is egregious neglect of care and concern for public health and a livable environment. Elected officials are civil servants; they must serve the well-being of their constituents; as such, people like NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio, and even Massachusetts’ governor Charlie Baker, are well within their rights to sue these companies for damages to people and property. We discuss some of these civil actions. In good news, Ford plans to invest $11 billion in electrifying their vehicles by 2022. Market forces pushed them into it – if they want to compete in the auto industry, electric is the future. Tune in for details!
Because we recognize the necessity of personal accountability for our actions, because we accept responsibility for building a durable future and because we believe it is our patriotic duty as citizens to speak out, we must insist that the United States put a price on carbon.
Further Reading
InsideClimate News report discussing what Exxon knew about climate change “The Road Not Taken”