An environmental injustice is happening in British Columbia, where yet another pipeline is being built against the wishes of the indigenous people. The names are different but the story line is familiar. One common theme is that banks like JP Morgan Chase are providing the funding. This gives us an opportunity to fight far away injustice right here at home.
The reading list
- A report from Unistoten Camp on violent arrest
- RCMP planned to clear camps
- Canadian newspaper reports on the pipeline status
- Man-camps for CGL represent danger to native women
- Sympathy protest across Canda
- Coastal GasLInk website
- CBC on arrests
- Osage Murders and the formation of FBI
- Globe and Mail on BC politics
- Canada pushing for tribes to surrender title to the land
- Unistoten supporter tool kit
- JP Morgan Chase is funding the Coastal Gaslink pipeline
- Greenpeace on how to tell Chase to stop funding pipelines
- Signup for April 23 "Stop the Money Pipeline" actions
- Nathan Phillips ends two week hunger strike
Upcoming events
- PSR webinar on Radioactive Fracking fluid.
- Feb 19 protest at Weymouth Compressor
- MCAN's annual conference March 7 at Northeastern
Because we recognize the necessity of personal accountability for our actions, because we accept responsibility for a building a durable future and because we believe it is our patriotic duty as citizens to speak out, we must insist the United States transform it’s energy sector, over the next decade, under a just and equitable plan, that uses regulations, investments and a price on carbon to safeguard our collective future.
Thanks for listening.
…Ted McIntyre