Here comes the sun: Solar legislation on the The Climate Minute Podcast

While an “Omnibus” energy bill is still in preparation, a solar policy bill has been advanced on its own.  The solar bill is an improvement on the original possibility, but it will require further improvements in the next round. Also, see below the jump for a link to find your state rep’s phone number and a script to ask her to oppose the proposed tariff (AKA tax) for the pipeline. Listen in!

The reading list:

You can get your state rep’s phone number here. Below is a sample “script” (thanks to a friend of the show) that you can use in calling your state rep on the pipeline “Tax”.

I'm calling because I'm a constituent and am concerned about any public subsidies for pipeline expansion that are being proposed in the upcoming energy omnibus bill.  

Recently, National Grid and Eversource filed contracts with the Department of Public Utilities that would allow those companies to charge their ratepayers an additional fee to finance the Access Northeast and Northeast Direct pipelines being proposed by Spectra and Kinder Morgan.   

The Conservation Law Foundation and the Office of the Attorney General have both openly challenged the ability of the DPU to authorize these kinds of contracts. As a result, many believe that House leadership are considering giving DPU the authority through the omnibus energy bill. 

- Such an act would be unprecedented and grossly unfair to ratepayers.  We are already paying for gas. Kinder Morgan and Spectra shouldn't be able to additionally finance their pipelines with the public's credit card.  

- We don't need more pipelines and much of the new gas from these pipelines would be exported overseas. 

- It would definitively undermine our ability to meet our carbon emission goals under the Global Warming Solutions Act. 

The Ask:  We need you to oppose any public subsidy for pipelines and support any actions to block this outrageous measure.   Can you please sign onto Rep. Kulik’s  Dear Colleague letter opposing any pipeline tariff on omnibus energy bill?
To do so, all they need to do is contact Rep. Kulik’s staff

Please support MCAN’s work. You can easily  donate on-line !

Because we recognize the necessity of personal accountability for our actions, because we accept responsibility for building a durable future and because we believe it is our patriotic duty as citizens to speak out, we must insist that the United States put a price on carbon.

Thanks for listening.

…Ted McIntyre

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