The legal process for a proposed gas fired peaker plant in Peabody has been paused for 30 days. This is a surprising- and good-development. MCAN and its allies have been instrumental in this success. Listen in to hear MCAN’s Executive Director lay out the state of play and tell us what comes next. Spoiler alert: we must keep pushing!
The reading list:
- MCAN on Clean The Peak
- WBUR reports MMWEC's request for a pause in the DPU proceedings
- Salem News reports Doctor's letter of concern
- Donate to MCAN's Peabody Peaker Legal Fund
- DPU sets June 15 date for further hearings
- See all legal documents for the Peaker- search for docket number 21-29
- MCAN FAQ on the peaker
- MA DOER Clean Peak Energy Standard
- Green Energy Consumers "Shave the Peak" program- you can participate!
- Community Action Works Home
- The Climate Minute podcast interviews Sarah Dooling on the April 26 DPU hearing
- Climate Minute Podcast explainer: what is a peaker plant? April 25 2021
- Climate Minute Podcast interviews Sarah Dooling on the Peabody Peaker April 10 2021
Take Action
- Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper
- Spread the word on social media
- Donate to our campaign fund
Because we recognize the necessity of personal accountability for our actions, because we accept responsibility for a building a durable future and because we believe it is our patriotic duty as citizens to speak out, we must insist the United States transform it’s energy sector, over the next decade, under a just and equitable plan, that uses regulations, investments and a price on carbon to safeguard our collective future.
Thanks for listening.
…Ted McIntyre